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Month: November 2022

We’re looking for a research/evaluation partner to help us learn about mental health & higher education institutions in North Carolina

Call for Proposals: Seeking a Research/Evaluation Partner to Focus on Mental Health and Higher Education Institutions in North Carolina

NC Youth & Family Voices Amplified Program

UNC Greensboro Center for Youth, Family, and Community Partnerships


The mission of NC Youth & Family Voices Amplified is to amplify the voice of NC’s youth and families in systems and services that support their mental health and well-being. We do this through education, community partnerships, and support to enhance family-driven and youth-led care. To learn more about NC Voices Amplified, please visit

NC Voices Amplified is housed within the UNCG Center for Youth, Family, and Community Partnerships (CYFCP), and it is supported by a contract with the NC Department of Health and Human Services Division of Child and Family Well-Being

This year, as part of our strategic capacity-building activities related to Youth Peer Support in North Carolina, we will conduct a statewide needs assessment and develop an outreach plan specific to engaging higher education institutions (including 4-year colleges and universities and community colleges) across North Carolina. A focus will be on building connections between the Youth Peer Support movement in North Carolina and mental/behavioral health-related activities on college campuses. 

Requested research/evaluation services: We are seeking a collaborative research/evaluation partner to work with NC Voices Amplified and CYFCP staff to plan and implement two key deliverables:

  1. A needs assessment that should include both quantitative and qualitative data
  2. An outreach plan with recommendations for how NC Voices Amplified can effectively engage higher education institutions to promote youth and young adult mental health based upon the findings of the needs assessment

Project budget: The budget for this project is $15,000. The researcher/evaluator will be contracted with UNCG following UNCG’s contracting processes and policies prior to the project’s start date.

Project timeline: This project must be completed by June 30, 2023. 

Application process: We invite interested prospective facilitators to develop a brief (i.e., 1-2 page) proposal, plus a budget which can be included on a third page) to answer the following question: 

What do you propose to do within the budgeted amount of $15,000 to (1) conduct a high-quality needs assessment and (2) develop a needs assessment-informed outreach plan, with both deliverables relating to how NC Voices Amplified can best engage higher education institutions across North Carolina in its work related to Youth Peer Support?

Please indicate in your proposal how your research/evaluation approach will honor and elevate the lived experiences of youth and young adults.

To apply, please submit your proposal to Christine Murray at by November 15th, 2022. 

Please note: Submission of an application in response to this Call for Proposals is a first-stage inquiry in the contracting process. No received response to this inquiry will be viewed by UNCG as any type of official contract between UNCG and the prospective facilitator. 


Teka Dempson

Teka Dempson

Program Manager, NC Youth & Family Voices AmplifiedProgram Manager, NC Youth & Family Voices Amplified

I am a lifelong learner and a resident of Durham, NC who graduated from Shaw University, Duke University (A one-time pilot), and Durham Technical Community College. My career has been new initiatives within medical facilities, group homes, county and state government, educational systems, early childhood, and higher education settings. Part of my journey was learning to embrace my Lived Experience with every system as a mother, caregiver, and Kinship Provider. I also gained an appreciation for how to share my voice for the needs, support, guidance, and resources required for my family to be successful. The journey was not easy. Making the choice to learn and understand systems, policies and procedures led to over forty-plus years of living, learning, building relationships/partners, and cultivating my skills and passion to support children, youth, and families locally, statewide, and nationally.

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