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About Us

Thank you for your interest in NC Youth and Family Voices Amplified! Please read below to learn more about our mission, vision, and the work we do.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to amplify the voice of NC’s youth and families in systems and services that support their mental health and well-being. We do this through education, community partnerships, and support to enhance family-driven and youth-led care

Our Vision Statement

We envision a North Carolina where children, youth, and families are living their best lives. When they need help, their voices and needs guide the way.

Our Work

Here is a summary of the services and resources that will be provided by NC Youth and Family Voices Amplified:

  • Provide trainings for Family Partner National Certification and Youth Leadership Certificates
  • Training and certification for Family Partners and Youth Peer Support Providers across North Carolina
  • Technical assistance to Youth and Family Peer Support Providers, as well as the agencies that employ them
  • Collaboration activities to advance the System of Care framework across child- and family-serving systems in North Carolina
  • In-person and on-line outreach to youth and families to promote mental health and access to services and support
  • Recruitment of prospective new Family Partners and Youth Peer Support Providers
  • Advocacy for youth and families to be at the table when decisions are made about systems and services that impact their lives

Our Team

System of Care Values

System of Care (SOC) is a nationally-recognized framework for organizing and coordinating services and resources into a comprehensive and interconnected network. Its goal is to work in partnership with individuals and families who need services or resources from multiple human service agencies in order to be safe and successful at home, school, and in the community, and through this assistance, make the community a better place to live.

SOC builds on individual and community strengths and makes the most of existing resources to help children and their families achieve better outcomes.

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System of Care Values:

  • Interagency collaboration
  • Individualized strengths-based care
  • Cultural competence
  • Accountability to results
  • Child and family partnership
  • Community-based services and supports